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Price per session
Discovery call - 0$
75 min session - 129$

Birth Hypnosis

"Women have innate wisdom when it comes to their own childbirth. It is important for healthcare professionals to listen to and respect them."

-  Michel Odent, Obstetrician

The innate wisdom of women in childbirth is precious. Hypnosis offers a gentle and effective approach to natural childbirth, reducing stress, improving confidence, and soothing pain. Moreover, hypnosis promotes emotional connection between the mother and the child, strengthening the mother-child bond and contributing to a quicker recovery. A personalized follow-up of approximately 3 to 8 sessions will allow you to choose the most relevant themes for you.

Here are the optional themes we can address:

Childbirth preparation:

  • Pain management
  • Managing emotions and unconscious fears
  • Optimizing confidence
  • Connection to the baby
  • Relaxation
  • Visualizations

During pregnancy:

  • Managing emotions
  • Embracing changes
  • Sexuality Couple dynamics
  • Relaxation
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Nausea management
  • Baby visualization

In preconception support:

  • Visualizations
  • Embracing emotions
  • Release of emotional blocks

In postpartum support:

  • Emotional support
  • Relaxation
  • Reconnection to oneself
  • Increased energy levels
  • Connection to the baby
  • Adapting to changes and challenges
  • Work/family balance
  • Support for infant and parental sleep
  • And more...
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4146 Rue Sainte-Catherine E, Montréal, QC H1V 1X2
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