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Ornella Joumelard

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Experience and training

Ornella Joumelard studied osteopathy as well as aquatic osteopathy. She furthered her education by specializing in the care of pregnant and postpartum women, as well as infants and breastfeeding support.

She has been practicing as an osteopath since 2018.


Osteopathy in Montreal icônePregnancy Care icône

Ornella Joumelard

"One of the first steps towards health is to want to change something about oneself to feel better."
- Ornella Joumelard

Methods and techniques

Ornella expresses great compassion through her practice and considers open-mindedness as an integral part of her profession, which is reflected in her attentive listening and profound sensitivity.

She draws techniques and knowledge from various osteopathic methods, which often include cranial and visceral osteopathic techniques, fascial care, and muscular work.

Therapeutic approach

Ornella will begin your session with a brief question session aimed at identifying the factors significantly affecting your current quality of life.

Now well-informed about your habits, relevant events, immediate environment, etc., she will be able to test your body's responses and proceed with some tests while informing you about her actions.

Following this interactive entry into the physical intervention, she will gradually perform realignment maneuvers tailored to your current situation to optimize your biological functions as best as possible and promote self-regulation. She will then offer you advice and tips to help you cultivate healthy homeostasis yourself and stay on track towards increasing health.

Book an appointment with Ornella Joumelard today!

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4146 Rue Sainte-Catherine E, Montréal, QC H1V 1X2
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